AI in Action: Must-Know Use Cases for Tax & Accounting Firms

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the world, and the tax and accounting industry is no exception. Here’s a comprehensive look at essential AI use cases for tax and accounting professionals.

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AI in Action: Must-Know Use Cases for Tax & Accounting Firms

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the world, and the tax and accounting industry is no exception. AI platforms offer innovative solutions to streamline operations, enhance accuracy, and improve client engagement. 

Here’s a comprehensive look at essential AI use cases for tax and accounting professionals, including a tutorial on writing effective prompts to get the best results. We’re here to make sure AI works for you – it can even save you up to 20 hours a week

Try some of the use cases outlined here (you can even copy and paste the prompts for ease), and let us know your results in the comments section below.

1. Writing Engagement Letters

Use Case: Automate the creation of personalized engagement letters for different tax and accounting services.

Sample Prompt: Please generate an engagement letter for a new client requiring small business tax preparation services, including confidentiality clauses and a summary of the scope of work.

Best Practice: In your prompt, clearly outline the specific services and include relevant legal clauses to ensure comprehensive and professional documentation.

An example of using the AI tool for research about tax and tax laws

2. Tax Research

Use Case: Conduct specific tax law research to support client queries or case studies.

Sample Prompt: Please provide a summary of the latest tax laws related to home office deductions for self-employed individuals in the state of California.

Best Practice: Specify the jurisdiction and the tax law topic to get precise and up-to-date information. Make sure you are using a tool like TaxBuzz AI Co-Pilot that is regularly updated on the tax code.

3. Client Email Drafting

Use Case: Craft personalized emails to clients for updates, reminders, or advice.

Sample Prompt: Please draft an email to a client reminding them of the upcoming tax filing deadline and requesting the necessary documents, such as W2 forms and receipts for itemization.

Best Practice: Personalize the email with the client’s name and specific details about the documents needed to make it more engaging.

Financial advisor working at home using a digital tablet

4. Blog Article Creation

Use Case: Generate informative and engaging content for tax and accounting blogs.

Sample Prompt: Please create a 500-word article on the benefits of early tax planning for the upcoming fiscal year, including tips on deductible expenses. Make the article educational and include a CTA to seek help from this office with any questions.

Best Practice: Include practical tips and a clear call to action to encourage client engagement and response.

An example of using the AI tool to write social media posts

5. Social Media Posts

Use Case: Create engaging and informative social media posts to enhance your firm’s online presence.

Sample Prompt: Please generate a series of LinkedIn posts for Tax Saving Tips Tuesday, focusing on different strategies each week for the next month.

Best Practice: Use relevant hashtags and engaging visuals to increase reach and engagement.

An example of using the AI tool to draft a proposal for a potential client

6. Proposal Writing

Use Case: Craft detailed proposals for potential clients outlining services, benefits, and pricing.

Sample Prompt: Please write a proposal for a small business interested in comprehensive tax and accounting services, highlighting the ROI of our services.

Best Practice: Clearly articulate the benefits and return on investment (ROI) to demonstrate the value of your firm’s service offerings.

7. Market Analysis Reports

Use Case: Analyze market trends and generate reports for internal strategy or client advisories.

Sample Prompt: Please analyze current trends in the accounting industry and predict how the ongoing digital transformation will impact tax practices in the next five years.

Best Practice: Upload data-driven insights and forecasts to the AI system to provide a comprehensive analysis.

8. Client Onboarding Documents

Use Case: Create personalized onboarding documents for new clients to streamline your process.

Sample Prompt: Please generate a welcome packet for new clients outlining the onboarding process, what documents are needed, and FAQs.

Best Practice: Make the onboarding process clear and user-friendly to enhance the client experience. Tell the AI platform details about your existing process so it can summarize.

Tax advisor discussing with a client over some open folders and documents

9. Compliance Checklists

Use Case: Develop checklists for various compliance requirements to ensure clients meet all legal obligations.

Sample Prompt: Please create a comprehensive compliance checklist for a nonprofit organization's tax filing requirements in the United States.

Best Practice: Include all necessary steps and documentation in your prompt to ensure IRS compliance.

10. Educational Material for Clients

Use Case: Produce educational content to help clients understand complex tax and accounting issues.

Sample Prompt: Please develop a guide explaining the implications of the latest tax reform on small businesses, including actionable steps to take advantage of new tax benefits.

Best Practice: Break down complex information into simple, understandable terms for the AI system to compile into a valuable client-facing guide.

11. Writing a Tax Plan for a Client

Use Case: Create a customized tax plan for clients based on their financial data, goals, and changes in tax legislation.

Sample Prompt: Please utilize the detailed profile for John and Jane Smith, high earners with complex financial situations, to create an advanced tax plan for the upcoming fiscal year. The plan should address strategies to minimize their substantial tax liabilities, explore avenues for tax-efficient investment growth, and consider early retirement planning. Additionally, provide guidance on estate planning, college savings for their dependents, and the tax considerations of owning multiple properties. Highlight any recent tax law changes that could impact their financial strategy, ensuring the recommendations are compliant and strategically sound.

Best Practice: Ensure the plan is tailored to the client's specific financial situation and goals, and include recent tax law changes.

12. Financial Statement Analysis and Recommendations

Use Case: Analyze financial statements to provide a detailed report on a business client’s fiscal health.

Sample Prompt: Please analyze the uploaded PDF financial statement for a small business tax client. Provide a comprehensive report that includes an overview of the company’s fiscal health, identifies any areas of concern, and offers actionable recommendations for improving profitability, cash flow, and reducing expenses. Highlight any trends or ratios that indicate potential issues or opportunities.

Best Practice: Provide clear, actionable recommendations and highlight key financial indicators.

Best Practices for Content Creation with AI

Be Specific: The more detailed your prompt is, the more accurate and useful the AI's response will be.

Use Keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords into your prompts to guide the AI towards the desired content focus.

Define the Tone: Specify the tone of the content (professional, informative, casual) to ensure it matches your firm's branding. You can also ask the system to write in the style of a specific journalist or author.

Request Examples: When appropriate, ask the AI to include examples or case studies to illustrate points more effectively. If you do this, make sure to have the artificial intelligence engine include sources for all data.

Clarify the Audience: Make sure the AI knows your intended audience (e.g., small business owners, retirees, or individual taxpayers) to tailor the content accordingly.

Managing finance and investment online, analyzing stock market trades with mobile app on laptop and smartphone

Integrating AI into your tax and accounting practice can transform your working life. By following best practices and utilizing effective prompts, you can maximize the benefits of AI tools every day.


CountingWorks PRO’s revolutionary AI-driven solutions are designed specifically for tax and accounting professionals. We’re committed to helping you stay ahead in a competitive industry.

Schedule a demo here.


AI in Action: Must-Know Use Cases for Tax & Accounting Firms

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the world, and the tax and accounting industry is no exception. AI platforms offer innovative solutions to streamline operations, enhance accuracy, and improve client engagement. 

Here’s a comprehensive look at essential AI use cases for tax and accounting professionals, including a tutorial on writing effective prompts to get the best results. We’re here to make sure AI works for you – it can even save you up to 20 hours a week

Try some of the use cases outlined here (you can even copy and paste the prompts for ease), and let us know your results in the comments section below.

1. Writing Engagement Letters

Use Case: Automate the creation of personalized engagement letters for different tax and accounting services.

Sample Prompt: Please generate an engagement letter for a new client requiring small business tax preparation services, including confidentiality clauses and a summary of the scope of work.

Best Practice: In your prompt, clearly outline the specific services and include relevant legal clauses to ensure comprehensive and professional documentation.

An example of using the AI tool for research about tax and tax laws

2. Tax Research

Use Case: Conduct specific tax law research to support client queries or case studies.

Sample Prompt: Please provide a summary of the latest tax laws related to home office deductions for self-employed individuals in the state of California.

Best Practice: Specify the jurisdiction and the tax law topic to get precise and up-to-date information. Make sure you are using a tool like TaxBuzz AI Co-Pilot that is regularly updated on the tax code.

3. Client Email Drafting

Use Case: Craft personalized emails to clients for updates, reminders, or advice.

Sample Prompt: Please draft an email to a client reminding them of the upcoming tax filing deadline and requesting the necessary documents, such as W2 forms and receipts for itemization.

Best Practice: Personalize the email with the client’s name and specific details about the documents needed to make it more engaging.

Financial advisor working at home using a digital tablet

4. Blog Article Creation

Use Case: Generate informative and engaging content for tax and accounting blogs.

Sample Prompt: Please create a 500-word article on the benefits of early tax planning for the upcoming fiscal year, including tips on deductible expenses. Make the article educational and include a CTA to seek help from this office with any questions.

Best Practice: Include practical tips and a clear call to action to encourage client engagement and response.

An example of using the AI tool to write social media posts

5. Social Media Posts

Use Case: Create engaging and informative social media posts to enhance your firm’s online presence.

Sample Prompt: Please generate a series of LinkedIn posts for Tax Saving Tips Tuesday, focusing on different strategies each week for the next month.

Best Practice: Use relevant hashtags and engaging visuals to increase reach and engagement.

An example of using the AI tool to draft a proposal for a potential client

6. Proposal Writing

Use Case: Craft detailed proposals for potential clients outlining services, benefits, and pricing.

Sample Prompt: Please write a proposal for a small business interested in comprehensive tax and accounting services, highlighting the ROI of our services.

Best Practice: Clearly articulate the benefits and return on investment (ROI) to demonstrate the value of your firm’s service offerings.

7. Market Analysis Reports

Use Case: Analyze market trends and generate reports for internal strategy or client advisories.

Sample Prompt: Please analyze current trends in the accounting industry and predict how the ongoing digital transformation will impact tax practices in the next five years.

Best Practice: Upload data-driven insights and forecasts to the AI system to provide a comprehensive analysis.

8. Client Onboarding Documents

Use Case: Create personalized onboarding documents for new clients to streamline your process.

Sample Prompt: Please generate a welcome packet for new clients outlining the onboarding process, what documents are needed, and FAQs.

Best Practice: Make the onboarding process clear and user-friendly to enhance the client experience. Tell the AI platform details about your existing process so it can summarize.

Tax advisor discussing with a client over some open folders and documents

9. Compliance Checklists

Use Case: Develop checklists for various compliance requirements to ensure clients meet all legal obligations.

Sample Prompt: Please create a comprehensive compliance checklist for a nonprofit organization's tax filing requirements in the United States.

Best Practice: Include all necessary steps and documentation in your prompt to ensure IRS compliance.

10. Educational Material for Clients

Use Case: Produce educational content to help clients understand complex tax and accounting issues.

Sample Prompt: Please develop a guide explaining the implications of the latest tax reform on small businesses, including actionable steps to take advantage of new tax benefits.

Best Practice: Break down complex information into simple, understandable terms for the AI system to compile into a valuable client-facing guide.

11. Writing a Tax Plan for a Client

Use Case: Create a customized tax plan for clients based on their financial data, goals, and changes in tax legislation.

Sample Prompt: Please utilize the detailed profile for John and Jane Smith, high earners with complex financial situations, to create an advanced tax plan for the upcoming fiscal year. The plan should address strategies to minimize their substantial tax liabilities, explore avenues for tax-efficient investment growth, and consider early retirement planning. Additionally, provide guidance on estate planning, college savings for their dependents, and the tax considerations of owning multiple properties. Highlight any recent tax law changes that could impact their financial strategy, ensuring the recommendations are compliant and strategically sound.

Best Practice: Ensure the plan is tailored to the client's specific financial situation and goals, and include recent tax law changes.

12. Financial Statement Analysis and Recommendations

Use Case: Analyze financial statements to provide a detailed report on a business client’s fiscal health.

Sample Prompt: Please analyze the uploaded PDF financial statement for a small business tax client. Provide a comprehensive report that includes an overview of the company’s fiscal health, identifies any areas of concern, and offers actionable recommendations for improving profitability, cash flow, and reducing expenses. Highlight any trends or ratios that indicate potential issues or opportunities.

Best Practice: Provide clear, actionable recommendations and highlight key financial indicators.

Best Practices for Content Creation with AI

Be Specific: The more detailed your prompt is, the more accurate and useful the AI's response will be.

Use Keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords into your prompts to guide the AI towards the desired content focus.

Define the Tone: Specify the tone of the content (professional, informative, casual) to ensure it matches your firm's branding. You can also ask the system to write in the style of a specific journalist or author.

Request Examples: When appropriate, ask the AI to include examples or case studies to illustrate points more effectively. If you do this, make sure to have the artificial intelligence engine include sources for all data.

Clarify the Audience: Make sure the AI knows your intended audience (e.g., small business owners, retirees, or individual taxpayers) to tailor the content accordingly.

Managing finance and investment online, analyzing stock market trades with mobile app on laptop and smartphone

Integrating AI into your tax and accounting practice can transform your working life. By following best practices and utilizing effective prompts, you can maximize the benefits of AI tools every day.


CountingWorks PRO’s revolutionary AI-driven solutions are designed specifically for tax and accounting professionals. We’re committed to helping you stay ahead in a competitive industry.

Schedule a demo here.

Practice Marketing

AI in Action: Must-Know Use Cases for Tax & Accounting Firms

May 30, 2024
min read
Rebekah Barton
About Rebekah

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the world, and the tax and accounting industry is no exception. AI platforms offer innovative solutions to streamline operations, enhance accuracy, and improve client engagement. 

Here’s a comprehensive look at essential AI use cases for tax and accounting professionals, including a tutorial on writing effective prompts to get the best results. We’re here to make sure AI works for you – it can even save you up to 20 hours a week

Try some of the use cases outlined here (you can even copy and paste the prompts for ease), and let us know your results in the comments section below.

1. Writing Engagement Letters

Use Case: Automate the creation of personalized engagement letters for different tax and accounting services.

Sample Prompt: Please generate an engagement letter for a new client requiring small business tax preparation services, including confidentiality clauses and a summary of the scope of work.

Best Practice: In your prompt, clearly outline the specific services and include relevant legal clauses to ensure comprehensive and professional documentation.

An example of using the AI tool for research about tax and tax laws

2. Tax Research

Use Case: Conduct specific tax law research to support client queries or case studies.

Sample Prompt: Please provide a summary of the latest tax laws related to home office deductions for self-employed individuals in the state of California.

Best Practice: Specify the jurisdiction and the tax law topic to get precise and up-to-date information. Make sure you are using a tool like TaxBuzz AI Co-Pilot that is regularly updated on the tax code.

3. Client Email Drafting

Use Case: Craft personalized emails to clients for updates, reminders, or advice.

Sample Prompt: Please draft an email to a client reminding them of the upcoming tax filing deadline and requesting the necessary documents, such as W2 forms and receipts for itemization.

Best Practice: Personalize the email with the client’s name and specific details about the documents needed to make it more engaging.

Financial advisor working at home using a digital tablet

4. Blog Article Creation

Use Case: Generate informative and engaging content for tax and accounting blogs.

Sample Prompt: Please create a 500-word article on the benefits of early tax planning for the upcoming fiscal year, including tips on deductible expenses. Make the article educational and include a CTA to seek help from this office with any questions.

Best Practice: Include practical tips and a clear call to action to encourage client engagement and response.

An example of using the AI tool to write social media posts

5. Social Media Posts

Use Case: Create engaging and informative social media posts to enhance your firm’s online presence.

Sample Prompt: Please generate a series of LinkedIn posts for Tax Saving Tips Tuesday, focusing on different strategies each week for the next month.

Best Practice: Use relevant hashtags and engaging visuals to increase reach and engagement.

An example of using the AI tool to draft a proposal for a potential client

6. Proposal Writing

Use Case: Craft detailed proposals for potential clients outlining services, benefits, and pricing.

Sample Prompt: Please write a proposal for a small business interested in comprehensive tax and accounting services, highlighting the ROI of our services.

Best Practice: Clearly articulate the benefits and return on investment (ROI) to demonstrate the value of your firm’s service offerings.

7. Market Analysis Reports

Use Case: Analyze market trends and generate reports for internal strategy or client advisories.

Sample Prompt: Please analyze current trends in the accounting industry and predict how the ongoing digital transformation will impact tax practices in the next five years.

Best Practice: Upload data-driven insights and forecasts to the AI system to provide a comprehensive analysis.

8. Client Onboarding Documents

Use Case: Create personalized onboarding documents for new clients to streamline your process.

Sample Prompt: Please generate a welcome packet for new clients outlining the onboarding process, what documents are needed, and FAQs.

Best Practice: Make the onboarding process clear and user-friendly to enhance the client experience. Tell the AI platform details about your existing process so it can summarize.

Tax advisor discussing with a client over some open folders and documents

9. Compliance Checklists

Use Case: Develop checklists for various compliance requirements to ensure clients meet all legal obligations.

Sample Prompt: Please create a comprehensive compliance checklist for a nonprofit organization's tax filing requirements in the United States.

Best Practice: Include all necessary steps and documentation in your prompt to ensure IRS compliance.

10. Educational Material for Clients

Use Case: Produce educational content to help clients understand complex tax and accounting issues.

Sample Prompt: Please develop a guide explaining the implications of the latest tax reform on small businesses, including actionable steps to take advantage of new tax benefits.

Best Practice: Break down complex information into simple, understandable terms for the AI system to compile into a valuable client-facing guide.

11. Writing a Tax Plan for a Client

Use Case: Create a customized tax plan for clients based on their financial data, goals, and changes in tax legislation.

Sample Prompt: Please utilize the detailed profile for John and Jane Smith, high earners with complex financial situations, to create an advanced tax plan for the upcoming fiscal year. The plan should address strategies to minimize their substantial tax liabilities, explore avenues for tax-efficient investment growth, and consider early retirement planning. Additionally, provide guidance on estate planning, college savings for their dependents, and the tax considerations of owning multiple properties. Highlight any recent tax law changes that could impact their financial strategy, ensuring the recommendations are compliant and strategically sound.

Best Practice: Ensure the plan is tailored to the client's specific financial situation and goals, and include recent tax law changes.

12. Financial Statement Analysis and Recommendations

Use Case: Analyze financial statements to provide a detailed report on a business client’s fiscal health.

Sample Prompt: Please analyze the uploaded PDF financial statement for a small business tax client. Provide a comprehensive report that includes an overview of the company’s fiscal health, identifies any areas of concern, and offers actionable recommendations for improving profitability, cash flow, and reducing expenses. Highlight any trends or ratios that indicate potential issues or opportunities.

Best Practice: Provide clear, actionable recommendations and highlight key financial indicators.

Best Practices for Content Creation with AI

Be Specific: The more detailed your prompt is, the more accurate and useful the AI's response will be.

Use Keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords into your prompts to guide the AI towards the desired content focus.

Define the Tone: Specify the tone of the content (professional, informative, casual) to ensure it matches your firm's branding. You can also ask the system to write in the style of a specific journalist or author.

Request Examples: When appropriate, ask the AI to include examples or case studies to illustrate points more effectively. If you do this, make sure to have the artificial intelligence engine include sources for all data.

Clarify the Audience: Make sure the AI knows your intended audience (e.g., small business owners, retirees, or individual taxpayers) to tailor the content accordingly.

Managing finance and investment online, analyzing stock market trades with mobile app on laptop and smartphone

Integrating AI into your tax and accounting practice can transform your working life. By following best practices and utilizing effective prompts, you can maximize the benefits of AI tools every day.


CountingWorks PRO’s revolutionary AI-driven solutions are designed specifically for tax and accounting professionals. We’re committed to helping you stay ahead in a competitive industry.

Schedule a demo here.

Ready to transform your practice's web presence and revolutionize how you connect with clients?

Practice Marketing

AI in Action: Must-Know Use Cases for Tax & Accounting Firms

May 30, 2024
min read
Rebekah Barton
About Rebekah

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the world, and the tax and accounting industry is no exception. AI platforms offer innovative solutions to streamline operations, enhance accuracy, and improve client engagement. 

Here’s a comprehensive look at essential AI use cases for tax and accounting professionals, including a tutorial on writing effective prompts to get the best results. We’re here to make sure AI works for you – it can even save you up to 20 hours a week

Try some of the use cases outlined here (you can even copy and paste the prompts for ease), and let us know your results in the comments section below.

1. Writing Engagement Letters

Use Case: Automate the creation of personalized engagement letters for different tax and accounting services.

Sample Prompt: Please generate an engagement letter for a new client requiring small business tax preparation services, including confidentiality clauses and a summary of the scope of work.

Best Practice: In your prompt, clearly outline the specific services and include relevant legal clauses to ensure comprehensive and professional documentation.

An example of using the AI tool for research about tax and tax laws

2. Tax Research

Use Case: Conduct specific tax law research to support client queries or case studies.

Sample Prompt: Please provide a summary of the latest tax laws related to home office deductions for self-employed individuals in the state of California.

Best Practice: Specify the jurisdiction and the tax law topic to get precise and up-to-date information. Make sure you are using a tool like TaxBuzz AI Co-Pilot that is regularly updated on the tax code.

3. Client Email Drafting

Use Case: Craft personalized emails to clients for updates, reminders, or advice.

Sample Prompt: Please draft an email to a client reminding them of the upcoming tax filing deadline and requesting the necessary documents, such as W2 forms and receipts for itemization.

Best Practice: Personalize the email with the client’s name and specific details about the documents needed to make it more engaging.

Financial advisor working at home using a digital tablet

4. Blog Article Creation

Use Case: Generate informative and engaging content for tax and accounting blogs.

Sample Prompt: Please create a 500-word article on the benefits of early tax planning for the upcoming fiscal year, including tips on deductible expenses. Make the article educational and include a CTA to seek help from this office with any questions.

Best Practice: Include practical tips and a clear call to action to encourage client engagement and response.

An example of using the AI tool to write social media posts

5. Social Media Posts

Use Case: Create engaging and informative social media posts to enhance your firm’s online presence.

Sample Prompt: Please generate a series of LinkedIn posts for Tax Saving Tips Tuesday, focusing on different strategies each week for the next month.

Best Practice: Use relevant hashtags and engaging visuals to increase reach and engagement.

An example of using the AI tool to draft a proposal for a potential client

6. Proposal Writing

Use Case: Craft detailed proposals for potential clients outlining services, benefits, and pricing.

Sample Prompt: Please write a proposal for a small business interested in comprehensive tax and accounting services, highlighting the ROI of our services.

Best Practice: Clearly articulate the benefits and return on investment (ROI) to demonstrate the value of your firm’s service offerings.

7. Market Analysis Reports

Use Case: Analyze market trends and generate reports for internal strategy or client advisories.

Sample Prompt: Please analyze current trends in the accounting industry and predict how the ongoing digital transformation will impact tax practices in the next five years.

Best Practice: Upload data-driven insights and forecasts to the AI system to provide a comprehensive analysis.

8. Client Onboarding Documents

Use Case: Create personalized onboarding documents for new clients to streamline your process.

Sample Prompt: Please generate a welcome packet for new clients outlining the onboarding process, what documents are needed, and FAQs.

Best Practice: Make the onboarding process clear and user-friendly to enhance the client experience. Tell the AI platform details about your existing process so it can summarize.

Tax advisor discussing with a client over some open folders and documents

9. Compliance Checklists

Use Case: Develop checklists for various compliance requirements to ensure clients meet all legal obligations.

Sample Prompt: Please create a comprehensive compliance checklist for a nonprofit organization's tax filing requirements in the United States.

Best Practice: Include all necessary steps and documentation in your prompt to ensure IRS compliance.

10. Educational Material for Clients

Use Case: Produce educational content to help clients understand complex tax and accounting issues.

Sample Prompt: Please develop a guide explaining the implications of the latest tax reform on small businesses, including actionable steps to take advantage of new tax benefits.

Best Practice: Break down complex information into simple, understandable terms for the AI system to compile into a valuable client-facing guide.

11. Writing a Tax Plan for a Client

Use Case: Create a customized tax plan for clients based on their financial data, goals, and changes in tax legislation.

Sample Prompt: Please utilize the detailed profile for John and Jane Smith, high earners with complex financial situations, to create an advanced tax plan for the upcoming fiscal year. The plan should address strategies to minimize their substantial tax liabilities, explore avenues for tax-efficient investment growth, and consider early retirement planning. Additionally, provide guidance on estate planning, college savings for their dependents, and the tax considerations of owning multiple properties. Highlight any recent tax law changes that could impact their financial strategy, ensuring the recommendations are compliant and strategically sound.

Best Practice: Ensure the plan is tailored to the client's specific financial situation and goals, and include recent tax law changes.

12. Financial Statement Analysis and Recommendations

Use Case: Analyze financial statements to provide a detailed report on a business client’s fiscal health.

Sample Prompt: Please analyze the uploaded PDF financial statement for a small business tax client. Provide a comprehensive report that includes an overview of the company’s fiscal health, identifies any areas of concern, and offers actionable recommendations for improving profitability, cash flow, and reducing expenses. Highlight any trends or ratios that indicate potential issues or opportunities.

Best Practice: Provide clear, actionable recommendations and highlight key financial indicators.

Best Practices for Content Creation with AI

Be Specific: The more detailed your prompt is, the more accurate and useful the AI's response will be.

Use Keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords into your prompts to guide the AI towards the desired content focus.

Define the Tone: Specify the tone of the content (professional, informative, casual) to ensure it matches your firm's branding. You can also ask the system to write in the style of a specific journalist or author.

Request Examples: When appropriate, ask the AI to include examples or case studies to illustrate points more effectively. If you do this, make sure to have the artificial intelligence engine include sources for all data.

Clarify the Audience: Make sure the AI knows your intended audience (e.g., small business owners, retirees, or individual taxpayers) to tailor the content accordingly.

Managing finance and investment online, analyzing stock market trades with mobile app on laptop and smartphone

Integrating AI into your tax and accounting practice can transform your working life. By following best practices and utilizing effective prompts, you can maximize the benefits of AI tools every day.


CountingWorks PRO’s revolutionary AI-driven solutions are designed specifically for tax and accounting professionals. We’re committed to helping you stay ahead in a competitive industry.

Schedule a demo here.

Rebekah Barton
About Rebekah

Rebekah's search engine optimization career began completely by accident as a college student. Over the course of her career so far, she has "grown up" with the SEO industry, from writing content while juggling classes to managing her own teams of writers and overseeing SEO strategy in subsequent roles. She is excited to bring her passion for high-quality content to CountingWorks, Inc.

Outside of work, Rebekah can be found doing yoga, shopping, watching the Indianapolis Colts, or spending time with her two young daughters. A lifelong Disney and Star Wars fan, she alternates between wishing she lived in Beast's castle or was making the Kessel Run in the Millennium Falcon.

Rebekah Barton
About Rebekah

As the founder and CEO of CountingWorks, Inc, Lee is passionate about helping independent tax and accounting professionals compete in the modern age. From time-saving digital onboarding tools, world-class websites, and outbound marketing campaigns, lee has been developing best-in-class marketing solutions for over twenty years.

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